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Zer-brech-lich (fra-gi-le): a word falls into pieces. Or becomes the chorus to a hymn on fragility. By saying „fragile“, one lends particular attention to the word, and particular beauty. With zer-brech-lich, choreographer alessandro schiattarella and his team create a music theatre piece as a tale of bodies in their difference. The three disabled perfomers victoria antonova, alice giuliani and laila white will explore their own – and other identities. They will try on sounds like clothes – searching for their own pop music moment. For what happens on stage, might be the rehearsal to a sparkling concert...THROUGH Dance and text, sounds and objects, the piece demonstrates how treating on fragility can become a political message, a vision of a higher level of awareness. It might encourage new experiences: we know the sound of something breaking. Yet, how does it sound when a thing is being kept from breaking?


14th & 15th November 2024 NO LIMITS FESTIVAL Berlin DE
19th & 20th October 2024 Fierce Festival Birmingham UK
12th October 2024 Grenzenlos Kultur Festival Mainz DE
29th February & 1st March 2024 Swiss Dance Days Zürich CH
2nd ,6th ,8th ,9th ,11th February 2024 Staatstheater Hannover, Ballhof Eins DE
13th, 14th November 2023 Tanzfestival Rhein-Mein Frankfurt - DE
23rd, 24th, 25th June 2023 Festival Theaterformen @Ballhof Eins Hannover DE

concept Alessandro Schiattarella
duration 1h c.a.
coreography Alessandro Schiattarella & performers
performers Alice Giuliani, Victoria Antonova, Laila White
dramaturgy Martin Mutschler
music Gina Été
light design
costumes Giulia Marcotullio
set design Margarete Albinger
production Staatsoper Hannover, Schauspiel Hannover, Festival Theaterformen and Theaterakademie Hamburg
tour managment Alessandro Schiattarella
premiere 23.06.23

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